Saturday, October 22, 2011

Yes, And Presents - #16

Format: Minor project, do it till it's done
Goal: Manifest free stuff
Goal met? And how.

So here's what happened...
I was reading this book (The Trick to Money is Having Some) that had been floating around my parents' house for a while. In one of the early chapters, the author talked about how he'd made a deal with the universe: It would provide for him, and he would accept its gifts graciously. He said that after this decision, he started attracting free stuff--not money, but coupons, gifts, etc.

Photo by Terwilliger911
"Ah!" methought. "Good idea." So I did the same thing. It was pretty simple... I just sent out the intention to gather a bunch of little free presents to myself, and promised that I'd be on the lookout and accept whatever was sent.

Within the next three days, I'd found, lying on the ground:

  • quite a bit of loose change
  • a buy-a-custard-get-free-fries coupon (actually, I found three of these... must have been a big promotion going on)
  • a sno cone buy-9-get-the-10th-free punch card, with 9 holes punched out and the 10th just waiting for me (and when I went to get the free cone, I got a buy-one-get-one-free coupon)

After that I sort of went, "Awesome! Thanks!" and forgot about trying to focus on this... but little presents keep coming. It's sweet. Literally, in some cases.

Try this: 
Set out the intention, yaddi-yadda, you've heard all this before if you read this blog.

The trick is to accept whatever comes. As my favorite fairy godmother says, "You're meant to accept it. Graciously." I've noticed that whenever I'm attempting something like this, as soon as I start getting picky and rejecting things that don't line up just right, the nice things just sorta dry up. And as soon as I'm grateful again, they keep piling on.

Of course, you don't have to take whatever comes if you don't quite want it. I like to play "Yes, And" at that point. "Yes, And" is a theatre/improvisation game, where every time someone introduces anything new to the scene, you have to go with it and build on it. Your scene partner says, "Behold! I come in riding on my purple dragon!" and you go, "Yes! And the dragon has a feather duster for a tail!" and start using the tail to sweep the room up, and the next person has to be okay with that and add something to it.

Here's a video demonstrating the game:

Works great with manifestation, too. Get something that's cool but not quite your thing, and emotionally/mentally respond with "Yes! And you know what would be even cooler? This same thing except orange!" And usually the universe will respond. Not necessarily with something orange, but with something just a little better than what you got before. (Despite all those stories you hear about people manifesting ridiculously specific things, I think for the most part that energy responds to your positive or negative energy, not your demands or specifics. But with lots of good stuff coming your way all the time, the universe is bound to hit the nail on the head a fair bit.)

Give this one a try, folks... Super easy and low-committment, and very rewarding if you tend to be easily pleased. :)

Coming Soon...
Eh, I dunno. Something cool.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Hi, friends. I'm back, after a long hiatus. I shan't bore you with excuses.

This is one of my happy places. It has nothing to
do with anything, which seemed like good enough
reason to put it here.
Quick updates on life and personal development: 

1. The rice... get this... still looks like it does in the last update. I find this totally crazy and awesome and get a huge kick out of walking by the rice and seeing it just like it was months ago. So cool. Our thoughts are powerful.

2. I have a boyfriend. (I know. Weird.) He's amazing. Like, really, very, incredibly, wonderfully amazing. I don't know if it'll last (major differences in beliefs and me being looney tunes and all that), but either way, it's been a beautiful experience and has taught me a lot. More than I wanted to be taught in some cases... but I think that's what I'm secretly after. And anyway, it's all worth it if it means having him in my life. Not to get sappy or anything. (If this does look like it's going to last a while, I'll definitely be doing some bloggy experiments dealing with the relationship. Not on him, of course -- I try to keep my guinea pigging to myself -- but on me and all my weird, irrational views regarding commitment and relationships. Because, seriously, they're messed up.)
Midsommer pic! Best day of the year... And one of many
reasons I've been so royally failing to update.  Totally worth it. ;)

3. I'm graduating college in about two months. The only way I can think of to sum that up is !!!!!!!!!!!?! !!!!!!!!! !!!! !! ?!?!?!?!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! ??? ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure if I'm more excited, scared, or relieved at the prospect, but my feelings are full of a lot of unnecessary punctuation. I have no idea what's coming next but it's going to be great.

4. This whole being-an-official-grownup-in-two-months thing has done a serious number on my optimism and ambition. I've gotten all stressed about paying bills and making wise career choices and stuff. What is that? Time to recapture that beautiful bubble where the universe takes care of me. Stay tuned for updates.