MANIFESTING - Experiment #2
Format: 1-week experiment (plus some)
Goal: Manifest most of the things on my nightly lists. Have some breakthroughs on the subject of the Law of Attraction, the way I think about the LoA or the practice of manifesting things in general.
Goal met? Yes… for now
Terms you should know:
Law of Attraction – The principle of “like attracts like.” It’s been around forever but has gained popularity in the past few years. Much of modern LoA understanding/application is based in large part on the teachings of Abraham Hicks, a non-physical entity channeled by inspirational speaker and author Esther Hicks.
Manifestation – The results of an intention consciously or unconsciously put out to the universe.
So here’s what happened:
First off, Merry Christmas! Mine’s been completely lovely so far and I hope you can say the same. J
And now, on to the subject at hand.
Confession: I’ve been playing around with this for ages.
Second confession: I’m still not very good at it.
I started a little over a month ago keeping a list of things that I wanted that shortly thereafter appeared in my life. The list includes things like a canvas bag (arrived in a package from a friend about a week later), Asian-looking fabric (found on Freecycle two days later) and chocolate-covered orange sticks (which my brother gave to me the next day—someone had given them to him and he doesn’t like them).
And about a week ago, I started keeping a nightly list of things I wanted to manifest the next day. Granted, the LoA is not always something you can stick on a timetable. Generally the principle is that things manifest in their own good time. However, I was looking for fast results.
The first list went as follows:
Paycheck [which I’d misplaced]
Apartment #53 private room
Adsense revenue
The next day, the paycheck appeared within an hour of my waking up and the Adsense revenue (all of a penny, but it counts!) followed shortly after.
Success, methinks.
Next night, I wanted a great idea for a musical, more Adsense revenue and the apartment. None of them showed up… but I did have an awesome experience! Within a minute, I kid you not, the woman who runs the apartment I’m trying to get into called. She told me that I could expect to hear back sometime after Christmas and that I’m at the top of her waiting list. Score! Didn’t win the game, but I definitely scored.
Next day, I wanted 10 blog page views by 2 p.m., a wonderful and unexpected surprise and a lucid dream. No lucid dream, but the other two showed up!
***Sidebar: “Wonderful and unexpected surprises” are the coolest thing to manifest ever. You never know what you’re going to get but you know it’s coming, so it keeps you on the lookout for good things, and something always turns up. It’s solid fantastic.***
And, thanks to my wonderful and unexpected surprise, I had the desired breakthrough regarding the LoA. I realized that I have no problem manifesting friends, inexpensive items, opportunities, etc., but I have a huge block when it comes to money, things that cost a lot of money, things that are worth a lot of money, etc. Then, voila, I read Carrie’s new blog and she had a post on this very subject recommending readers look into focus wheels. I made two, one for the apartment and one for my attitude toward money. Will definitely be updating on those.
The rest of the experiment went like that. Some things would manifest, others wouldn’t. I’ve had a lucid dream on the list for three days now and had nothing’s come of it, but other things I didn’t actually have a lot of faith in happened. Trying to figure this out… If you have any suggestions or thoughts, put ‘em in the comments or send me a message!
Try this:
1. Think positive. Do whatever this means for you. My manifestations always come in faster and stronger when I’m in a generally positive mindset. (Generally, I said. Having a sad few days but being generally positive does a lot more good than having a few good days as a hardened pessimist.)
2. Try focus wheels. I can’t say much about them yet but I’m loving the way they help me focus.
3. Keep your intentions focused. In my experience, wanting “a purple pillow with green stripes on it and down filling” is a lot more effective than wanting “a pillow.” It sharpens your mind and tells your subconscious what to look for.
4. Know what you want, then let go of the how. The things you want will show up in crazy, unexpected and awesome ways as soon as you let them.
Final notes:
I’m nowhere near done with this subject. Both manifestations and Law of Attraction are going to show up here again and probably often. If you have any comments, suggestions, recommendations, etc., please leave them in the comments—I’d love some discussion on this!
In the meantime, check out Carrie’s blog. It’s in large part about her experiences with the LoA and it’s great reading besides.
Next challenge: Dejunking
I feel honored that you referenced me. This is a fantastic entry.
I think one of the most common thing people struggle with when it comes to LoA is consistency. Hmm... sounds like an entry subject for me.
Thank you for your inspiration.
Carrie Darrington
Thanks! And I'm glad you're liking this... I'm having so much fun, lol.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. I have a feeling they're going to be good/thought-provoking.
So there are names for these things? ^_^ I learn something new from you everyday, darlink!
This is something my parents taught me about, actually. Putting energy out into the world for what you want is something pagans/wiccans practice very deliberately, and a lot of other religions practice more indirectly, ie through prayer; like in the saying 'god helps those who help themselves'. All *you* have to do is get the ball rolling. The only catch that you should watch out for is how the things come to you. I don't mean walmart verses salvation army, exactly, just that magic/energy tends to follow the easiest path. Just like in a fairy tale, be careful what you wish for! the pagan rule of thumb is to finish your wishes/spells with "With harm to none, so mote it be". Not saying you absolutely need to do this, nor to put a damper on your absolutly splendid job at manifesting, just as a second opinion and friendly bit of advice. ^_^
A word from my mum about the money issue ("I realized that I have no problem manifesting friends, inexpensive items, opportunities, etc., but I have a huge block when it comes to money, things that cost a lot of money, things that are worth a lot of money, etc."): she pointed out that every day, people put out a ton of energy/vibes/whatever, whether they know it or not. Negative, positive, all of this gets shoved out there by people without them even realizing it. What's that to do with anything? Well, especially in this economy: "Money is hard to come by" "money doesn't grow on trees" "I'm not made of money" get the idea. However true it may be, there are a lot of people putting that kind of energy out there! So whatever attempts you are making towards your honest income, there is all that particular stuff floating around and getting in the way. Which may be why it gives you a hard time.
Actually, it's rather like anytime someone says 'i don't believe in faries' and a fairy dies, then you need to clap and say 'i believe in fairies!' and they heal: that is the simplest example of how your energy can effect the world around you! ^_^
hugs and good luck!
I just realized you commented... *headdesk*
Anyway, I LOVE this. The money thing makes a lot of sense --- it's only logical that you'd have to deal with other people's energy in addition to your own. And the Wiccan creed (that's what it's called, yes?) is my main life philosophy... in between that and following your dharma (life path/moral duty) most other principles are just extra.
"Magic/energy tends to follow the easiest path." I'm putting that on my wall.
Did you get rid of your fbook? Or did you just do a cleanse? Either way I admire you.
I'm getting back into the swing of things with blogging. (I may even start afresh with a new, less private blog! I'll keep you informed.) I was wondering, though, if you've been keeping up on your manifesting? Also, what are your current thoughts on LoA?
Let me know, love. You're so inspiring! (said in a really not-corny way, I promise...)
Lots of Genuine Love,
Carrie Darrington
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