Friday, December 24, 2010

Great Balls of Fire - #10

Format: A couple evenings of playing around and a general plugged-in-ness for a few days.
Goal: Play around. See what happens.
Goal met? But of course.
Terms you should know:
Energy work: Using the mind and body to manipulate psychic energy. (A bit of googling should give you a better idea of this.)

So here's what happened:

This... this is spiffy.

This past week I went out of town for a wedding. The friend I was staying with and I ended up doing some energy work (same friend who worked with me in this experiment) and in addition to doing things like manifesting green lights, creating thoughtforms who made it snow, and following good vibes to dress shops, we played around with sending and receiving energy in our hands. Freaked me out a few times, to the point of my jumping back and shaking my hand around while shrieking "Oh, weird, weird, this is creepy!" Fun times.

Basically, this was the deal: We grounded and then filled our hands with balls of energy. We then melded them together (alternately, one of us would fill our hands and the other person would just try to sense that energy) and then took turns sending and receiving first colors and images. It didn't take long until I would fill my hands with yellow and then shift to dark purple, and she would say, "Yellow. No, wait, it changed. It's darker. Like... purple." We had a success rate far higher than could be explained by coincidence. Didn't figure out the numbers but we were at 90% accuracy, easy -- at least when I was the sender and she was the receiver.

Turns out I'm good at sending energy and she's good at receiving it, but not the other way around. When we switched to images it was better -- she would send an image of a piano and I would say, "Smooth. Really glossy, kind of dark" -- but still nothing like when I'd been sending and she receiving.

I found it interesting that she would be prone to receiving, as her energy is very strong and overwhelming if you're not used to it (what I would consider more aggressive/sending), and I would be good at sending, since my energy is usually calmer and more contained (passive/receiving). But it also makes sense, as she's much more open to taking in energy from outside sources and I spend most of my time trying to guard against taking in other people's unwanted energy. (Perhaps this stems from our mothers? Her mom's a calm listener, so my friend has had to learn to receive subtle signals, and my mom is sort of "BBWWAAAA!!!!!" most of the time, so I've had to learn to shut that out so as not to get flooded.)

What I learned:
This stuff is cool. I already knew that, but it's also much more powerful and obvious than I'd expected. And maybe it's all just a placebo and we're really tuning into impossibly small nonverbal cues... Whatever. I don't actually care. It works, is the bottom line, and it's fascinating.

I also learned that I have very different experiences with energy work, meditation, manifesting, etc., when I'm alone than when I'm with someone. It's not that either is better or worse, but there were some things (manifesting green lights and snow) that were easier with her help, and others (meditating, being centered) that were harder with someone else around. I'll be paying more attention to that in the future, because I suspect it's important in ways that I'm just touching on right now.

Try this:
Find someone who wants to play around with this kind of stuff with you. You've got to be able to trust them and be open with them -- just admitting that you believe in "energy" and all that New Age mumbo jumbo is enough to weird some people out, and trying to work with a die-hard skeptic is probably going to mess with your results. Get someone who's into this stuff, or at least very open towards it. Then go crazy. See what you can feel. Talk through it and follow intuition. The more you play with and practice this stuff the clearer your results get, so have fun. I strongly recommend grounding first, though -- failure to ground before you start working with this stuff can leave you grumpy (me), dizzy (my friend), light-headed, stressed, etc., so make sure you're coming from a centered place.

Coming Soon...
Spirit guides, perchance? Or tuning into elements? Or being direct with people, especially of the stranger variety? Been playing with all of these lately, so you tell me.


Anonymous said...

Hi : )
I found you through our mutual friend, Kealeigh B. I was feeling kind of glumly and she suggested reading your blog for a spiritual lift. It worked, and I just wanted to thank you. One of the most sure fire ways to beat back the blahs is to have something lovely and fun to focus on. Your thoughts and writing provide that in abundance. Thank you again ♥

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