It has been said that some people’s only purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. Well, I’m stepping up.
Personal development has always interested me, and now I’m going to get up to it in my elbows. I’m an INTJ. We like systems, action and physical results. Given that, what better way to approach my life than through experiments? They probably won’t totally ascribe to the scientific method, but at least my preliminary data will be here in case you want to run a few tests of your own.
My goal here is to live, to experiment and then pass on my findings to you. To jump into the thick of things so you don’t have to—or so you become inspired to. With that in mind, each entry will have a section that’s all about personal application on your end. It’ll contain hints, tips, tricks, insults, insider trading, the wisdom of the Prophets/aliens in the wormhole, spells from Hogwarts, etc. etc. all aimed to make my life a little more relevant to yours.
My goal is to update this blog 1-4 times a week, depending on what’s going on. If I slack off or you just feel like there should be more posts, I invite you to harass me via kjerwitt at gmail dot com. Same address if you’ve got other comments, questions, conversation, recommendations, resources, results, etc.
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