- I graduated from college.
- I got dumped.
- I got proposed to (yeah, after the dumping) and said no.
- I tumbled into the comforting arms of this sweet man I've secretly been in love with since I was 17.
- I moved to Nevada for a bit to stay with my grandma.
- That man I'm in love with proposed. I said yes. About seventy times.
- I moved back to Idaho and got a job.
- I went skinny dipping with two of my best friends in the whole world. Bucket list item accomplished! (Yes, I consider this important enough to go on the Life-Altering Stuff That Happened This Year list.)
- I got married.
- We moved into a legit grownup apartment together and are still unpacking.
So it's been kind of busy. But I haven't forgotten about this blog completely and am hoping to start up with the experiments again soon. And I'm going to try to not be obnoxious and make them all about my marriage, though let's face it, marriage is about as big a lifestyle experiment as you can embark on.
Stuff I've been working on lately: Law of Attraction, money management/energy, creating personal rituals and spiritual practices, living according to guiding values and priorities, making decisions based 90% or more on gut feelings, and actively managing my emotions. It's all promising. Stay tuned!