Creating Money: Keys to Abundance
over a couple different 15 minute periods today, while waiting to clock in at my first job, waiting for my brother to get out of work and while walking to my second job.
In short, it's attitude crack, at least for me. I've read a lot of different books on positive thinking, Law of Attraction, magnetizing, conscious creation, etc. etc. This one is my favorite so far. It's positive, upbeat, readable, practical, and there's just something about it that keeps me up and running.
It claims to be channeled; however, if that sort of thing bugs you, just ignore it. The advice is valid either way, and it's a really easy read. Love it. Love it love it love it.
I definitely recommend reading it one short section at a time -- I've found it's valuable to spread it out over my day. Somehow having time to think about the concepts one chunk at a time really maximizes its value.
Just so ya'll know. Check it out on Amazon using the links above or at your local library; I think you'll enjoy it.
This is really cool! I Think we all go through life searching for the meaning of life. Where as there really is no meaning, it is learning who we are and what we are suppose to do.
I love this tool for this
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